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About Storyteller

Storyteller is a puzzle game that invites you to experience romance and magic in a new way. You have a magical blank storybook in your hands, and you can use it to create your own interactive comic strip. The game offers various animated sets and personalized characters, and watch them react to your choices in real time. It also allows you to explore different genres and themes, such as fantasy, mystery, adventure, and more. Your goal is to complete the stories and earn points, coins, and rewards. The more stories you complete, the closer you get to winning the Story Teller crown, the ultimate prize for the best storyteller. Storyteller is a game that challenges your imagination and creativity, while also entertaining you with engaging stories and characters. Are you ready to enter new worlds and become a Storyteller?

How to Play Storyteller

  • Arrange characters, scenes and panels to form a story that matches the title.
  • Adapt the story and character motivations according to the previous panels.
  • Watch the characters react to your choices in real time.
  • Solve puzzles with multiple solutions and sub-objectives.
  • Create stories with different genres and themes.
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