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Slings to the Basket


About Slings to the Basket

Slings to the Basket is a game that challenges players to sling their character from one point to another. Aim for the basket while overcoming obstacles and collecting fruits along the way.

How to Play Slings to the Basket

Use the slingshot mechanism to propel the player from one point to the basket.

Take advantage of the game's sides for bouncing.

Control well while avoiding obstacles, enhancing the challenge and requiring strategic thinking.

Gather fruits scattered along the route to the basket.

Be quick when approaching red points, as they disappear, intensifying the pace and urgency of the game.

Progress through 20 levels, each increasing in difficulty.

Strive to pass each level without losing lives, testing your skill and focus throughout the game.

Choose from various player skins, adding a personalized touch to your gaming experience.

Avoid obstacles, and aim for precision in their slingshot maneuvers across 20 progressively challenging levels. Select your lucky player skin and embark on the fun-filled puzzle adventure.

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