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Euro Champ 2024


About Euro Champ 2024

Euro Champ 2024 is a truly realistic 3-D soccer game that puts you into a world of excitement and skill. You will try to win all four games of elimination with great skills in scoring from free kicks and volleys. From there, you face a series of challenging matches where strategic decisions and precise actions will be the determinant factors for your success.

How to Play

  • Set the direction of your strike and click your mouse to lock in the trajectory when it aligns with your target.
  • Select the ball's flight height: low, medium, or high.
  • Add a twist to your kick with a curling shot, making the ball bend around the opposition.
  • Defend your goal by paying attention to the glove icon on the screen. When it flashes, click promptly to execute a save.

Just Have Fun!

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